The driving force behind Meissa's solutions that change the field.
3D modeling, Vision AI.

Learn more about Meissa's 3D modeling and artificial intelligence (AI) technology that enables analysis and utilization of field data.

Why Meissa's solutions are trusted

3D Modeling, Vision AI technology

Meissa provides a digital twin experience that can be applied in reality with 3D modeling and Vision AI technology, the core technology of spatial data digitization.


3D modeling of 2D images
3D Modeling technology

Through 3D modeling technology, satellite/drone data of the shooting area is reconstructed and utilized as precise spatial information.


Stylization of unstructured images
AI Vision technology

From unstructured data through AI-based quantification and analysis deriving insights.

3D Modeling Technology

Technology reproduces 2D images in 3D and digitizes 3D space.

Based on a high understanding of spatial information processing, Meissa is the only company in Korea that has developed and is using the core 3D Reconstruction technology.

Drone based 3D  img

Satellite based 3D img

GIS 기반 이종데이터 통합 기술

드론, 360 Cam, LiDAR, IoT 등 다수 수집 채널 활용과 GIS 기반 이종 데이터를 통합하는 기술을 통해
공간 데이터의 현실 구현 정확도를 높입니다.

VISION AI Technology

Structured data extraction technology for insight derivation solutions

Meissa utilizes VISION AI technologies to improve unstructured information into structured data, builds an automated system for deriving insights through AI-based learning and reasoning, and applies it to solutions.

Super resolution

Super resolution is a technology that improves low-resolution images into high-resolution images. It improves the quality of input data and uses it for solutions.

Object detection

Detects, displays, and classifies objects of interest in captured images to detect airplanes, ships, and determine the number of objects.

Objects segmentation

Segment objects of interest in the image by pixel to extract roads and buildings and classify land cover.

Change detection

enables semi-real-time monitoring by detecting and displaying changes in objects of interest in images, such as detection of time series changes in vegetation and infrastructure.


Frequently Asked Questions

The First Step to Digitaltwin. Ask Meissa Any Time.

In what ways does using Meissa's technology increase efficiency?

Automated analysis and real-time monitoring greatly improve the accuracy and speed of field management, and help manage resources and decisions efficiently.

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How fast is the data processing speed?

Large-scale data structuring technology and computational optimization technology process the collected data quickly. Based on field analysis results in half a day, you can use Meissa's solution.

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How can Meissa's computer vision technology be used?

It can be used as a remote monitoring solution by detecting object changes in data collected through Meissa's CV technology. Through real-time monitoring, you can accurately understand the situation on site.

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Start an easy and fast digital twin solution. Please contact us now for a demo of Meissa solution!