Meissa solution Customer Interview

HDC Hyundai Development Company Residential Construction Site

Customer introduction case | Example of an apartment building construction site
HDC Hyundai Development Company is a representative construction company in Korea established in 1976.

Under the corporate mission of ‘creating a rich life and a trustworthy world,’ we are pursuing sustainable management policies through innovative technology. Focusing on construction, we provide specialized services in various fields such as manufacturing, distribution, IT, leisure, and services, and are growing together with the local community through various social contribution activities.

Background of Introduction

◼ Efficient management of complex construction sites is necessary
◼ Various processes Request for coordination between stages and partner companies
◼ Real-time data sharing, on-site visualization required

Use Cases

◼ Reduction of communication errors and improved efficiency in process meetings
◼ Utilization of site status records and supporting materials at the stage before construction commencement
◼ Earthworks and Effects of introducing material and equipment movement management at the frame construction stage


◼ Smooth work progress by minimizing process interference
◼ Increased work efficiency based on the latest data
◼ Shortened construction period and improved schedule management

“HDC Hyundai Development Company minimizes on-site process interference and increases work efficiency through Meissa.”

Construction sites are very complex and multi-layered. As construction progresses, the number of subcontractors on site increases, and different processes are performed simultaneously in each zoning.

n order to successfully lead a project in an environment where all elements are closely connected like a single organism, i
t is necessary to efficiently manage each process step and the movement of materials and equipment with an overall view.

HDC Hyundai Development Company introduced Meissa to systematically coordinate this complexity. Rapid data sharing enables immediate communication, and on-site visualization lays the foundation for minimizing process interference.

In an interview at HDC Hyundai Development Company's Incheon City OCL construction site, how Meissa was able to increase work efficiency, check it out.

Construction operation within boundaries and without gaps

Q. Please give us a brief introduction to the field.

Hello. This is the construction site of Incheon City OCL Complex 3.

A total of 1,879 households, including officetels, will be built in 8 buildings. It is a fairly large residential-commercial complex, including 6 movie theaters and 338 commercial facilities. Currently, we are nearing completion, and Meissa was introduced in 2021 to apply technology related to smart construction and began using it from the start of construction. I’ve been using it for about 3 years.

Q. How is Meissa used in the field?

It is used for construction planning and site management.

Most apartment complex sites are located in residential areas, so there are clear construction boundaries, such as dividing the site from the outside and controlling access. Since the utilization area is limited, all necessary materials, equipment, and personnel must be operated as efficiently as possible within the designated site inside the boundary. Efficient operation requires establishing a good construction plan and managing the site accordingly.

To establish a smooth construction plan, which materials need to be raised faster, and which materials are bulky, so how much free space is needed? Meissa is of great help in understanding the current situation. Operating a drone platform means being able to see a complex work site as if looking down at a chessboard or checkerboard. Not only can site conditions and information on adjacent structures be accurately identified, but it is also possible to plan work and movement routes easily and efficiently.

Before the introduction of Meissa, work plans were made based on drawings. But the drawing is not the ‘situation’ right now. If you want to make a detailed plan while construction is in progress, such as material placement plan or road construction, what you need is a status map. Our site conducts drone filming once a week. Since the construction plan is based on the latest status, all aspects have improved, including the fidelity of the plan, completeness, and people's understanding.

On-site management is the same. In the past, discussions were carried out with floor plans laid out, but in fact, there are many people on site who do not know how to read drawings. Even if we said, “Turn back a few blocks and go back to that point,” it was difficult to completely eliminate misunderstandings during the communication process.

Currently, when holding meetings with partner companies, we keep Meissa in place. If you spread out the status and pinpoint the location with a laser, everyone involved in the work can understand where they are talking at once. They say, 'From here to here is Company A, and from there to there is Company B. This is a dangerous area, so please do not approach.' The process of delivering instructions and making decisions has become very intuitive.

Standards for neat settlement management

Q. Is there anything in particular that you found easier by using Meissa?

Compared to other sites, apartment complex projects tend to have more partner companies involved in civil engineering, framing, electricity, finishing, and landscaping.

Once a month, work is done according to the amount of work, but the standards for judging this amount of work are different for each type of work, making it difficult to accurately determine the amount of work for a specific type of work. This is the case in the case of earthworks or concrete pouring work. In this type of construction, the amount of work is judged by how much soil is used and how much concrete is poured, so the established settlement standard is calculated by the number of dump trucks or ready-mixed concrete for convenience. It would be nice if this quantity was exactly right, but there was a problem that if the amount of work and the ready-made did not match, the previous work could not be easily tracked. However, after introducing Meissa, it became easier to understand the amount of work related to quantity calculation compared to before.

So the public affairs team used Meissa a lot, especially when preparing the concrete pouring work for the unit building. In apartment complexes, they are divided into main buildings (buildings where people actually live) and secondary buildings (sales facilities and auxiliary facilities, including underground parking lots) depending on the use. The main buildings are easy to calculate because they usually have the same area but only one floor. On the other hand, sub-buildings have different pouring areas and are poured by zoning, making it complicated to determine the amount of work. The easiest place to see this is Meissa.

By using the area tool, it is possible to objectively understand the amount of work, making the construction cycle easier. Being able to manage the construction settlement means that backward calculations and pouring plans are also possible. You can then calculate the area where pouring needs to be done in advance using the area tool, and multiply it by the number of floors if necessary to get a rough idea of ​​the pouring amount (volume). If you know the quantity in advance, you can calculate the number of ready-mixed concrete needed for the next work, which becomes the basis for settlement for the next month and the basis for judging the amount of work.

From Intuition to Data

Q. I understand that you have been consistently filming on-site once a week since the start of construction. Is there a special reason?

I want to leave a record of the scene. If you use Meissa, the history of past construction is stored in time series without having to worry about and record every detail. Naturally, construction methods and technical know-how will remain on the platform, and if field data remains, it can be used objectively at any time. The key is how to combine construction methods and on-site operations, but in fact, the construction types of apartment complexes are all similar.

In that case, there is a high probability that the previous construction method will be applied to the new site as well. When I visited another site the other day, I had to check the explanation of why the temporary ramp construction was done this way only through photos.

If Meissa had been used at the site at the time, the surrounding topography and building layout plan would have been visible at a glance, allowing for a meta-understanding as to why the temporary ramp was turned in a specific direction. Now, this City OCL site has kept good field records, so we have historical data to use as a hint. If I need to make a decision about construction similar to what I did before while carrying out construction at another site in the future, I can easily check through the platform what work instructions were given under what specific circumstances. Since the background of judgment and the resulting construction results can be shared quickly and accurately, decision-making will no longer depend on individual know-how, but rather focus on data.

Until now, construction methods and individual know-how have been used as data. There was nothing upset. As this past data continues to accumulate, there is an expectation that it will all become an asset to the company.

HDC Hyundai Development Company and Meissa: Smart Construction of the Future Together

Q. What do you want to do more with Meissa in the future?

As we have done so far, we want to convey the voices of the field well to improve the usability of the platform.

'Ability to draw something instantly like a paintbrush on an orthophoto during a meeting. his includes feedback on big and small features such as 'I wish it would be added' or 'I wish we could easily find our site when zooming out and zooming in again.'

From our perspective, we have been using Meissa since the beginning. For this long and widely I think the reason it is being used is because it has been good at accepting voices from the field. I would like to contribute to the development process so that it becomes a platform that can be better utilized in more fields.

Use case

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